Wheelhouse Credit Union Grants Julian’s Cowboys Dream with Make-A-Wish SD


Wheelhouse Credit Union, alongside Make-A-Wish San Diego, hosted a reveal for 16-year-old Julian whose wish to go to meet the Dallas Cowboys is being granted. They supported and participated in Julian’s Wish Reveal by surprising him and his family with a celebration to get him excited for his trip. Julian is from San Ysidro and is diagnosed with cystic fibrosis. Wheelhouse employees, along with members of our Board of Directors, were in attendance.


Wheelhouse Credit Union junto a Make-A-Wish-San Diego llevaron adelante la revelación del deseo de Julian, un joven de 16 años que quiere conocer a los Dallas Cowboys. Los colaboradores y participantes del deseo de Julian se reunieron para sorprender a él y su familia con las buenas noticias del próximo viaje. Julian es de San Ysidro y fue diagnosticado con fibrosis cística. Los empleados de Wheelhouse y miembros de la comisión directiva estuvieron presentes durante este feliz momento.

Gallery of Event
