Toys for Joy

Alyssa mendoza and albert antonio

During the holiday season, it can be difficult for families to provide toys and food if they are short on funds, resources or other hardships due to the Covid situation. Toys for Joy represents the best of San Diego’s giving spirit. This event organized by the Rock Church brought together residents and neighbors from across our city to share in the joy of the holiday season and provide for those among us who are less fortunate.

Puede suceder que debido a la crisis surgida por el COVID 19 a muchas familias les sea difícil ofrecerles a sus miembros juguetes y comida festiva. Toys for Joy es un fiel reflejo del mejor espíritu solidario de San Diego, un evento organizado por la Rock Church donde se reúnen residentes y vecinos de toda la ciudad para compartir la alegría de dar durante estas fiestas y regalar una sonrisa a quienes son menos afortunados.

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Esteban Villanueva