The Musical Odyssey of NRG Music & Productions


In the heart of NRG Music & Productions lies a tale of love, creativity, and a deep commitment to making a positive impact. Founded by Andy Salmonsen in 1984, the journey of this music and entertainment powerhouse began in the early days of his romance with his wife, Kymm Civette-Salmonsen, evolving into a thriving venture that combines passion, talent, and a strong sense of purpose.

The spark that ignited NRG’s inception came from a transformative experience in Las Vegas, where Kymm witnessed a show featuring a female lead singer and dancers. This moment of creative inspiration fueled her desire to carve out a unique niche in San Diego’s music scene. The decision to introduce singers with a strong dance background set NRG apart, creating a trendsetting musical experience that quickly gained popularity.

As the years unfolded, NRG’s mission evolved organically. From a successful band, they transitioned into curating theme production shows for philanthropic events. The turning point came when a client requested a “Decades” theme show, setting the stage for NRG’s involvement in fundraising events. The mission was clear – to enhance the overall event experience, weaving entertainment seamlessly into the fabric of each unique occasion.

The essence of NRG’s mission lies in flexibility, generosity, and the dedication to being great partners to their clients. Their growth reflects a commitment to answering the call of any event with heart, creating lasting relationships that extend beyond business. Music, for them, is not just a profession but a way of life – a medium to forge connections and bring joy to their clients.

At the heart of NRG’s approach is a desire to ensure that guests not only have a great time at fundraising events but also leave with a deeper connection to the causes being supported. Through customized theme shows, integrating music, video, choreography, and unique costuming, NRG creates memorable experiences that resonate with the event’s purpose. The emotional connection fostered on the dance floor aligns with the cause, leaving a lasting impact on attendees.

The significance of NRG’s contributions is perhaps best exemplified by a poignant moment during one of their performances. A long-standing client expressed gratitude for 21 years of entertainment, with tears of joy and appreciation. This heartfelt acknowledgment, coupled with the involvement of their own children in the performances, highlights the profound impact NRG has had over the years.

What Andy and Kymm cherish most about their roles at NRG is the opportunity to create new show concepts tailored to their clients’ needs. The joy of contributing to the creative process, witnessing visions come to life, and sharing those moments with clients is immeasurable. Performing on stage as a family, from high school sweethearts to their children joining in, adds a layer of fulfillment that transcends the professional realm.

NRG Music & Productions is not just about entertainment – it is a celebration of love, creativity, and a shared commitment to making a positive difference in the world.

