Stronger Together

Captain graham young lieut derek aydelotte and police officer charles palumbo

The community came together to help make a difference for the community of National City. Guests were gifted a COVID-19 Safety kit along with an enormous ham to the delight of all! National City Police & Fire Foundation, City of National City, Latino Health Coalition, SDG&E, UNIDOS US, Girl Scouts San Diego and more were part of this event that was a touchless drive-thru.

La comunidad se dio cita para ayudar a hacer la diferencia en la comunidad de National City, ¡los invitados recibieron de regalo un equipo de seguridad contra COVID-19 junto con un enorme jamón que hizo las delicias de todos! National City Police & Fire Foundation, City of National City, Latino Health Coalition, SDG&E, UNIDOS US, Girl Scouts San Diego y muchos más, fueron parte de este evento que cumplió con las rigurosas medidas de un drive-thru con distanciamiento social.

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Esteban Villanueva