Southwestern College Foundation: Empower Success

Southwestern College Foundation logo

Supporting Student Success

The Southwestern College Foundation exists to support Southwestern College, its students, and our campus community. Through community partnerships, alumni connections, and donors who want to make a difference, the SWC Foundation helps students achieve their goals.

Art Student

Mini Grants

Funding for college programs, organizations and associations that enhance the educational experience of Southwestern College students.

  • Learn more about Mini Grants
  • Register for Grant Seeker’s Workshop

Student and Professor Selfie


Supporting students in achieving academic success and realizing their dreams

  • Learn more about SWC Scholarships
  • Contribute to a Scholarship
  • Learn about Invested Funds

Jag Kitchen

Cares Emergency Grants

Providing emergency funds ffor overcoming life’s obstacles, such as food and housing insecurities.

  • Cares Testimonial
  • Donate to Cares Fund
  • Learn about SWC Cares Programs

Donate Today!

Consider supporting Southwestern College students through an online, secure donation today. All donations are 100% tax-deductible. When you donate, you are investing in the lives of Southwestern College students, their families, and our South County community.
