San Diego Nice Guys

Zach zacharias nancy hamzey and denise friedman

San Diego Nice Guys’ first Family Holiday Party was held in 1985. Since then, what started with 100 turkeys has turned into a huge event with families, volunteers, and gifts for all, and 500 turkeys! This year, they reinvented their event to help bring holiday cheer as a drive-thru and attendees were asked to dress in holiday attire and decorate their cars. The hope is that many people in need will realize there are still people in this country that care and are more than willing to share their time, treasure, and their hearts.

El primer festejo del San Diego Nice Guys’ Family Holiday Party se realizó en 1985, desde entonces, pasaron de los 100 pavos iniciales a convertirse en un enorme evento con familias, voluntarios, regalos ¡y más de 500 pavos! Este año, se reinventaron para llevar a cabo su evento de manera “drive thru”, donde los presentes pasaron en sus vehículos a retirar la entrega con sus autos decorados y ellos vestidos para el día de fiesta. La esperanza es que muchas personas necesitadas tomen conciencia de que hay gente en este país que se preocupa por ellos y están dispuestos a compartir su tiempo, tesoros y sus corazones.

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Esteban Villanueva