Ronald McDonald House Charities San Diego: Support & Care

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Ronald McDonald House Charities of San Diego provides a “home away from home” for families with children being treated for serious, often life-threatening conditions at local hospitals.

The Ronald McDonald House relies on community support. It is the only service of its kind that is open to families caring for children at any San Diego area hospital.

Our Vision

To provide a welcoming and convenient home base where families may take care of their basic needs so they can better focus on what really matters: caring for their critically ill or injured child.

Our Impact

Thanks to an active volunteer program and generous community support, each year approximately:

  • 1,300 families reside with us during their child’s hospitalization
  • 11,000 additional people use our Family Care Center, coming for meals, computer access, and other essential resources
  • 130,000 meals are served free of charge to family members with hospital identification
  • 200 siblings of hospitalized children take part in education and enrichment programs, including the onsite School Away from School.

Mom with daughter

Return on Investment

We are able to have a tremendous impact on the lives of families, impacting the whole community.

  • Hospitalized children: Children heal faster when families are near.
  • Families: Parents and healthy siblings can manage challenges better when residing together.
  • Pediatric Medicine: Hospitals require parents to be present for treatments. By housing parents, we help to make long-term and advanced treatments for children possible.
  • Residents of Southern California: We can all feel assured that we have a safety net to fall back on if our children become seriously ill.
  • Volunteers and Donors: Volunteers and donors deepen their engagement in civic life and contribute to a stronger San Diego by supporting our House.

Ronald McDonald House Charities® of San Diego Contact Info

Ronald McDonald House Charities® of San Diego
2929 Children’s Way
San Diego, CA 92123
