Promises2Kids Camp Connect

Anna and isla

Sisters Anna and Isla grew up in an unstable home. Their father was an alcoholic and their mother was not ready for parenthood. Their mother took them away, and in her care, they were exposed to drugs, weapons, homelessness, and severe abuse and neglect. They were often left for days or weeks at a time, without food. All this led them into foster care.

May is National Foster Care Month and local non-profit Promises2Kids whose mission is to create a brighter for foster children, offers programs ensuring that youth have the skills, opportunities, and resources to succeed. From the moment they enter care through adulthood, Promises2Kids provides the necessary support system.

There are over 3,000 current and former foster youth in San Diego County who have been removed from their homes due to abuse and neglect. Many are separated from siblings, move frequently, attend countless schools, while still suffering both mentally and emotionally from their traumas.

Promises2Kids’ Camp Connect reunites brothers and sisters separated by foster care. Through monthly visits, group outings and a summer camp, foster youth can experience the joys of being a child, bonding with one another, and creating special memories.

Promises2Kids recently took 73 youth to Disneyland – a first for most of them. This was made possible by the Arbonne Charitable Foundation. Among the group were sisters Anna and Isla, who fully soaked in the experience and enjoyed being “little kids” for the day, going on as many rides as possible. Smiling ear to ear and walking shoulder to shoulder, the two were inseparable.

From seeing Disney’s characters and going on rides, the youth were grateful for this magical day! The highlight was taking photos with their siblings, as a way to always remember their special day.
To learn more about Promises2Kids and how you can help, visit

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Esteban Villanueva