Patrons of the Prado

Charlotte Rand Vicki Eddy Dee Ammon and Nancie Geller

For over 20 years, Patrons of the Prado has advocated and fundraised on behalf of the arts, science organizations and museums located on Balboa Park’s Prado. At their Annual Directors’ Reception, they distributed $217,620 in grants to five beneficiaries including Fleet Science Center, San Diego Junior Theater, San Diego Museum of Art, The Old Globe and Timken Museum of Art.

Por más de 20 años Patrons of the Prado se ha comprometido a promover y solventar organizaciones de arte, ciencias y a museos ubicados en el Prado de Parque Balboa. Durante su Recepción Anual de Directores, se distribuyeron $217,620 en subvenciones a cinco instituciones entre las cuales estaban: el Fleet Science Center, San Diego Junior Theater, San Diego Museum of Art, The Old Globe y el Timken Museum of Art.


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Esteban Villanueva