Mainly Mozart

Bryan crail ron mcmillan rory mcmahon and david beckwith

Mainly Mozart hosted their annual gala lead by sponsors Raffaella and John Belanich for an evening of glamour and renewal. The event included A cocktail reception with silent auction and entertainment by the Mainly Mozart Youth Orchestra. Guests also enjoyed a performance by Grace Kelly with The All-Star Orchestra musicians. To the delight of the guests, there was a bonus post-Gala dessert and cocktail party to mingle with the headliner musicians.

Mainly Mozart llevo adelante su gala anual liderada por los patrocinadores Raffaella y John Belanich, conjurando una velada de glamour y renacimiento. El evento incluyó una recepción con cócteles, una subasta silenciosa y entretenimiento a cargo de la Youth Orchestra de Mainly Mozart. Los invitados también gozaron de una presentación de Grace Kelly realizada por los músicos de The All-Star Orchestra y para deleite de los presentes, hubo un premio post gala: exquisitos postres y cócteles para conectarse y charlar con los músicos estrella.

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Esteban Villanueva