Latino Leaders Network

Congressman juan vargas adrienne vargas mayor of national city alejandra sotelo solis mayor of chula vista mary casillas salas and pradeep khosla

The Latino Leaders Network, a non-profit organization dedicated to “Bringing Leaders Together”, hosted the 64th Latino Leaders Luncheon Series to honor San Diego State University President Dr. Adela de la Torre with the Eagle Leadership Award and Lidia S. Martinez of Southwest Airlines (Ret.) with the Champion Award.

Latino Leaders Network es una organización sin fines de lucro dedicada a “reunir lideres” y en esta ocasión llevó a cabo su 64° almuerzo de Latino Leaders para entregar a la presidente de la universidad estatal de San Diego, la Dra. Adela de la Torre el premio Eagle Leadership y a la Sra. Lidia S. Martínez de Southwest Airlines (Ret.) con el premio Champion.

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Esteban Villanueva