Just in Time Wraps Up Empower Party Season

Kim baglio deb devine caitlin radigan noemi ashline and lory fisher

Just in Time for Foster Youth recently held its final Empower Party of the year. Hosted by Noemi and Scott Ashline, Dee and Steve Davis, and Lauri and Steve Buehler, guests from the surrounding area gathered to break bread with Just in Time participants, alumni, and staff. Empower Parties, scheduled from April to June, are an opportunity to build awareness, resources, and connections within the San Diego Community.

Recientemente, Just in Time for Foster Youth llevó adelante su fiesta anual Empower Party. Con Noemí y Scott Ashline,Dee y Steve Davis y Lauri y Steve Buehler como anfitriones, los invitados a la fiesta compartieron con participantes , exalumnos y el equipo de Just in Time una divertida velada. Las Empower Parties organizadas desde abril a junio fueron una oportunidad para crear conciencia, generar recursos y conectar con la comunidad de San Diego.


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Esteban Villanueva