Just in Time Community Celebrates Young Entrepreneurs

James Hammermeister Travis Fisher Barbara Suazo Brett Soliday and Mark Baldi

Just in Time For Foster Youth supporters recently gathered at the home of Ilene and Mike Lamb to celebrate three aspiring entrepreneurs. After winning the Just in Time Shark Tank competition, the three finalists received weekly coaching sessions on their business start-ups from a group of Angel Investors, led by Mike Lamb, President of Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc. Before awarding a total of $20,000 to the entrepreneurs, Mike shared that it was an honor and a privilege to work with such talented and motivated individuals. The party was organized by Just in Time volunteer Pam Webster.


Recientemente, colaboradores de Just in Time for Foster Youth se reunieron en el hogar de Ilene y Mike Lamb para rendir un pequeño homenaje a tres nuevos posibles emprendedores. Luego de ganar la competencia Just in Time Shark Tank, los tres finalistas recibieron sesiones semanales de asesoramiento empresarial a cargo del grupo Angel Investors liderado por MIke Lamb, presidente de Ecolink Intelligent Technology Inc . Antes de entregar un total de $20,000 a los emprendedores, Mike compartió el privilegio y honor que fue el poder trabajar con estos talentosos y motivados individuos. El evento fue organizado por la voluntaria de Just in Time Pam Webster.

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Esteban Villanueva