Joel Myers

Joel myers 1

By Angelica Gavaldon

Joel Myers is a tennis pro from Melbourne, Australia who has trained at the best tennis academies in the world and competed at a national and international level. He is a three time All-American and graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University. In 2021 the USPTA awarded him the San Diego Pro of the year.

Joel is now the tennis director at Coronado Tennis Center and in a matter of months has built one of the best programs in San Diego. I am lucky to coach in his program. The passion and love Joel puts into tennis, and how he has everyone loving the sport, is an inspiration to watch.

Whether he is on or off the court Joel continues to set big goals and achieves them. But with big goals come big schedules so Joel prioritizes taking care of himself. “I train everyday early in the morning and pay attention to what I put in my body. I am a goal orientated person, so I am continually setting the bar to keep me motivated. I do it for myself but also to set an example for the players I train.”

Joel competed both nationally and internationally as a junior but unfortunately had some major setbacks due to injuries. In 2007 after 12 months out of the game, Joel accepted a full college scholarship to San Diego’s PLNU tennis team. Joel was a three-time All-American and consistently ranked in the top 10 NAIA. He earned his psychology degree in 2012. He was awarded “Elite professional” status by the United States Professional Tennis Association and began coaching at the Coronado Tennis Centre where today he spends most of his time working with players of all levels.

Let’s look at how Joel schedules his day to meet his own health goals while helping many meet theirs as a Tennis Director and coach:

5:30: Wake Up
Breakfast: Protein shake + Fruit

7 am: Work Out
“I get to the tennis center around 7 am and start my day on court at 8 am”, explains Joel.

12 pm: Lunch
Joel explains his lunch routine, “(It) completely depends how much time I have. I typically have some fruit, protein, and black coffee.”

1 – 6 pm: Afternoon Activities
“I’m back on the tennis court from 1-6 pm most days” says Joel.

7 pm: Dinner
By dinner time it’s been a very long and physical day. This is how he stays on track with his goals despite being hungry and tired. “I meal prep all my dinners in advance to cut down on the cooking/cleaning time. Planning also keeps me from making bad, impulsive choices because I am so hungry. Usually, its chicken and a giant salad for dinner.”

10 pm: Bedtime

Part of staying in a good state of mind is finding one’s favorite things to do. If you have three things you can readily do that put you in a happy state, you can keep negativity at bay. Joel shared his two favorite spots in San Diego that bring him joy. Pacific Beach, where Diamond St meets the beach. And in Coronado, where D Avenue meets the Bay. “There is an amazing little beach there that overlooks the city of San Diego. It’s a great spot for a quick lunch break.”

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Esteban Villanueva