Jewish Community Foundation

Sean kelly jennifer sinex and susan phillips

The Jewish Community Foundation hosted a Professional Advisor Gathering at the Lodge at Torrey Pines. Attendees listened to guest presenter Nancy Henderson, founding partner, and co-managing partner of Henderson, Caverly & Pum LLP. The Jewish Community Foundation is a primary, trusted, and expert resource for philanthropy. The Jewish Community Foundation of San Diego will engage, educate, and inspire generations of givers throughout the entire community.


The Jewish Community Foundation llevó adelante la Professional Advisor Gathering, (Encuentro de asesores profesionales) en el Lodge de Torrey Pines. Su oradora invitada fue Nancy Henderson, socia fundadora y socia gerencial de Henderson, Caverly & Pum LLP. La Jewish Community Foundation es un recurso filantrópico de gran confianza y trayectoria y su sede de San Diego tiene un profundo compromiso con educar e inspirar a futuras generaciones en la solidaridad para con la comunidad.


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Sharleen Wollach, Jeremy Pearl and Nancy Henderson

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Stefani Lenett, Anna F. Roppo and Darcie Colihan

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Susan Christopher and Rik Floyd

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Esteban Villanueva