Annual “My First Home for the Holidays” by Just in Time


Just in Time for Foster Youth held its annual “My First Home for the Holidays” celebration on December 3rd at the Junior Achievement of San Diego headquarters in Mission Valley. Over 150 guests, including Just in Time participants, alumni, volunteers, staff and supporters came together to share a delicious brunch and listen to the success stories of transition-age foster youth who won awards for being “Confident,” “Capable,” and “Connected.” Colorful scarves were donated by Louarn Sorkin’s Creative Yarn Group and Santa Bags stuffed with goodies were provided by Jennifer Moores’ Family and Friends.



El 3 de diciembre, en los cuarteles generales de Mission Valley del Junior Achievement de San Diego, Just in Time for Foster Youth llevó adelante su “My First Home for the Holidays”. En este evento anual, más de 150 invitados, incluyendo participantes de Just in Time, ex alumnos, voluntarios, personal y colaboradores, se dieron cita para compartir un delicioso brunch y escuchar las exitosas historias de jóvenes en edades de transición en guarda. quienes recibieron premios por ser “seguros” “capaces” y “conectados”. Las coloridas bufandas fueron donadas por el creativo Yarn Group de Louarn Sorkin y también fueron entregadas Santa Bags llenas de regalos, donadas por la familia de Jennifer Moore y amigos.

My First Home for the Holidays” Celebration Highlights
