Hearts of Gold: Celebrating San Diego’s Inspirational Women


One of San Diego’s longest-running charity events, Women of Dedication by The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary of San Diego County hosted the Hearts of Gold, Women Who Inspire luncheon honoring twelve of the community’s most outstanding women for their gifts of time, talent and treasure. All proceeds from the event go towards programs of The Salvation Army San Diego.

Una de las obras de caridad más antiguas de San Diego es Women of Dedication del Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary del condado de San Diego y este grupo llevó adelante el almuerzo Hearts of Gold, Women Who Inspire, donde rindieron homenaje a doce destacadas mujeres por su dedicación, compromiso y talento. Las recaudaciones del evento se destinan a programas del Salvation Army de San Diego.

Gallery: Women of Dedication – Hearts of Gold Luncheon
