Hearts, Flowers & Fashion

Joyce glazer dee ammon and vicki eddy

The Salvation Army Adult Rehabilitation Center is an addiction treatment program that is funded by donations and the sale of items at their thrift store. A festive Hearts, Flowers and Fashion show luncheon was held to the delight of the guests. In addition to boutique shopping, guests could purchase clothing and accessories from the thrift store. The models were residents at the Center and who shared heartwarming stories after the fanciful presentation.


Salvation Army Rehabilitation Center es un programa de tratamiento contra las adicciones que funciona gracias a donaciones y ventas de su negocio de segunda mano. El almuerzo dedicado a la moda A Festive Heart, Flowers and Fashion, se realizó para deleite de los presentes con gran éxito, contando con el modelaje a cargo de los mismos residentes del Centro, quienes luego del desfile compartieron conmovedoras historias. Además de las compras de boutique, los invitados también pudieron adquirir artículos de su negocio de segunda mano.

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Esteban Villanueva