Healthy indoors

Exercise cover 2

Stay Safe
We all know that we need to stay inside and that it is important to stay healthy during these stressful times, but we have a choice in how we react to the situation. If you are like me, you will try to make the best of it and keep your loved ones safe, healthy and happy. There are many ways this can be done and even if confined to a small space, we can always make room inside for exercise. That said, here are my top tips for staying healthy indoors with your family:

I think it is important to keep structure during your day, especially with kids. We have been blessed that a lot of our schools are offering online programs we can follow. So, for Noah, we are up every day ready to log into his morning school meeting at 9 AM. After that, we take a small break and lunch, I take him outside to exercise for one hour, keeping our distance from people, and then we are back inside. This is a routine we both decided on to help keep us active throughout our day. Afternoons are for indoor movies, play time in his room, and some sort of electronics. Finally, we end the day with a healthy dinner.

During stressful times, it is amazing what tidying up and doing chores around the house does for your mind and well-being. When you focus on your home and keeping it organized and clean, it gives you a sense of peace and harmony. Start with a space in your home that you have been wanting to organize. Then the next day, move to another one and throw out or pack up boxes filled with items that can be of good use to other people, especially in this time of need. You can also involve the kids; it can be amazing for their self-esteem and gives them a sense of accomplishment.

Eat Healthy
It is important, now more than ever, to eat nutritious foods that boost your immune system. This is not a holiday or an excuse to gain extra pounds. Instead, it is an opportunity to slow down and take notice of what we are fueling our bodies with. With so many restaurants closing, take this as an opportunity to cook new healthy dishes that are full of anti-oxidants. For your everyday diet, make sure to include garlic, walnuts, pumpkin seeds, every type of color vegetable you can find and fruits that are full of vitamin C.

For daily exercise, you can take a walk outside or ride bikes, making sure to keep a safe distance of course. If you choose to stay indoors, there are thousands of options for workouts that you can do on your living room floor. I get up before my husband and Noah and try to fit in a quick workout at home, just 20 minutes lifts my mood and energy levels tremendously. To help with feelings of depression during social distancing, it is important to keep your body moving, drink plenty of fluids, eat healthy foods, slow down and get some vitamin D from the sun, which can do wonders for your spirit.

During these difficult times, it is especially important to remember that every storm will pass and focus on staying grateful for everything we have.


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Esteban Villanueva