Red Boudreau Trial Lawyers’ Dinner

Harris and angela steinberg deacon jim vargas and steven boudreau

It was a night of mingling and celebration at The US Grant for the 37th Annual Red Boudreau Trial Lawyers Dinner honoring Ken Turek and Heather Rosing with the 2020 & 2021 Daniel T. Broderick III Awards. Proceeds from the Red Boudreau Trial Lawyers Dinner directly benefit Father Joe’s Villages and programs that foster cognitive, social, physical and emotional growth for the children and families served.

Fue una noche de encuentros y festejos en The US Grant, en la 37° edición de la cena anual Red Boudreau Trial Lawyers, homenajeando a Ken Turek y Heather Rosing con los premios Broderick III. Lo recaudado por la cena Red Boudreau Trial Lawyers se destina a Father Joe´s Villages y sus programas que promueven el crecimiento social, cognitivo, físico y emocional de los niños y familias a las que asisten.

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Esteban Villanueva