Community Mural Program

Wells fargo market creek mural 4

As part of the community, the Wells Fargo branch on Euclid Avenue in Southeast San Diego celebrated the unveiling of the Market Creek community mural earlier this year. The mural was designed to honor of the area’s rich local culture, diversity and history. Wells Fargo proudly supports their Community Mural Program which establishes custom murals that reflect the community at their locations nationwide.

Photographed by: Daniel Horn

Como parte de la comunidad, la sucursal de Wells Fargo en Euclid Avenue, Southeast San Diego, celebro al comienzo del año la inauguración de su mural comunitario en Market Creek. Este mural fue diseñado en homenaje a la riqueza cultural, diversidad e historia de la zona. Wells Fargo es un orgulloso patrocinador del Programa Comunitario de Murales, programa que realiza originales murales que reflejan la historia de las comunidades donde se encuentran sus sucursales.


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Esteban Villanueva