Come Fly With Me

Vicky eddy dave sicardi and carrie vilaplana

The 114th Anniversary Charity Ball celebrated the closing act in its flawless elegance and celebrated 115th Anniversary Chairman Bridgett Brown as very special guests of Tiffany & Co. at an intimate breakfast. Those in attendance were a class act as the tradition was passed on flawlessly. Guests enjoyed nibbles and libations as they celebrated a record-breaking Charity Ball, raising over $2.6 million to benefit The Chadwick Center for Children & Families.

La 114° edición del Charity Ball festejó el acto de cierre con impecable elegancia y celebró la asunción de Bridgett Brown como presidenta del 115° Charity Ball con un íntimo desayuno en Tiffany & Co. Los presentes fueron testigos de este tradicional pase de mando deleitándose con exquisiteces y rememorando el éxito logrado en el anterior Charity Ball, con una recaudación de más de $ 2.6 millones a beneficio del Chadwick Center for Children & Family.


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Esteban Villanueva