Christina Piranio


Meet the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum CEO

Christina Piranio, the CEO of the San Diego Children’s Discovery Museum (SDCDM), is deeply committed to her role, driven by a lifelong passion for providing learning opportunities to children. Her journey to working with children began long before her time at SDCDM. “I have always been passionate about making learning, development, and growth opportunities available to children of all ages,” she shared with GB Magazine. Her role at SDCDM is particularly meaningful to her as it allows her to focus on the formative years of a child’s educational journey, from ages 0 to 10, ensuring they have access to the power of early hands-on learning.

The SDCDM stands out as more than just a museum; it is a place where children can explore, touch, create, and discover. Christina emphasizes the importance of hands-on learning and accessibility for all families. The Access for All initiative, for example, offers significantly reduced admission for families with economic assistance programs, with up to 45 percent of visitors qualifying for this program. This commitment to inclusivity underscores the museum’s dedication to ensuring that all children have access to its educational resources.

As CEO, Christina fosters a dynamic team environment that encourages creativity and curiosity. She believes that success is the result of a team that passionately believes in the early childhood education they provide. Christina’s leadership style emphasizes active listening and values the experience and creativity of each staff member. “We are successful because we work together, and everyone’s voice matters,” she emphasizes. This collaborative approach ensures that the museum continues to deliver innovative educational experiences.

Christina finds the most memorable moments in shared successes rather than individual achievements. She highlights the new “Storytime Inventing” exhibit as an example of this collaborative spirit. This exhibit, which merges literacy and engineering for engaging family learning experiences, is the result of the collective effort of everyone at the museum.

Looking ahead, Christina acknowledges that there will be challenges, but she remains optimistic. “I look forward to working with our incredible community, to help the Museum grow and provide incredible education opportunities to many more children.” Her leadership style, characterized by collaboration, inclusivity, and creative problem-solving, sets the stage for continued success for the SDCDM.

Christina’s dedication to early childhood education and her commitment to fostering a thriving team environment are evident. Under her leadership, the SDCDM is poised to continue its mission of inspiring young minds and nurturing a love of learning in the San Diego community.

The museum welcomes visitors are 9:30 – 4:30 Tuesdays – Saturdays and 12:30 – 4:30 on Sundays. We’re closed on Mondays. To ensure you have the most current information on hours, events, and programs, be sure to check to visit
