Building Community Through Faith


Established in 2015, the Catholic Community Foundation of San Diego (CCFSD ) serves as a one-stop resource for charitable giving. The Foundation, while independent of the Diocese, is endorsed by the Diocese of San Diego as a premier 501(c)(3) nonprofit that strives to connect local community members with ways to make positive, long-term community improvements through their generous philanthropic efforts.

Dyed-in-the-wool of Catholic traditions and teachings, CCFSD aims to inspire acts of stewardship, but more so, desires to be instrumental in aiding those who are being called to preserve the fabric of their Catholic community and personify Catholic values through philanthropy.

At its core, the Foundation is comprised of individuals and families, lay men and women, those of religious order, community partners, and other local nonprofits who share a commonality. A deep faith, entrusted in God, in their spiritual and worldly gifts, in their communities and in the Foundation, that their goodwill provides support for Catholic parishes, Catholic elementary and high schools, vocations, retired priests and religious, and locally based Catholic and non-Catholic social service charities.

Led by a group of dedicated community members, the Foundation’s Board of Trustees seek to equip donors with ways to give to their personal, charitable interests, while also being able to invest in a socially responsible manner according to Catholic guidelines. The intentional design of CCFSD is to provide donors and prospective donors with a more personalized approach to philanthropy.

One of the many benefits of the Foundation is that it can streamline the giving process by allowing individuals or companies to establish funds that can benefit several charities. Donors can make a gift, receive a single tax receipt, and make grant distributions over time to one or many charities. The Foundation is entirely “donor-centric” in that it honors the intentions and directives of each donor.

The Foundation exists as a trusted resource to help attract, advise, safeguard, and grow the philanthropic investments throughout San Diego and Imperial Counties. The Foundation has the expertise to receive and process a variety of complex gift types and complicated financial gifts, such as real estate, appreciated securities, life insurance and annuities. As a Community Foundation, the organization also offers Donor Advised Funds giving the donor an opportunity to designate their charitable giving to nonprofit organizations that are meaningful to them or their loved ones. Donor Advised Funds are established by donors who have a range of charitable interests and who wish to participate in the future grant-making process for the fund. The donor may recommend religious, educational or other eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations for grants, provided the organization meets certain requirements.

Donors have immediate access to any funds they establish through an online web-based portal and can monitor the growth of the fund that they have chosen to establish for their chosen cause or organization. By supporting the Catholic Community Foundation of San Diego, donors can simplify their charitable giving and Catholic philanthropy. The service the Foundation provides gives peace of mind by creating long-term relationships and partnerships with donors and their beneficiaries by maintaining the highest levels of integrity, transparency and communication.

To learn more about additional Foundation services which include permanent endowment building, designated beneficiary funds, estate and legacy planning and more please visit
