Diamond Anniversary

Auguste melden angie kopylov ginny and peter jensen

Bill and Clarice Perkins celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary surrounded by friends and family. A dinner was hosted in Coronado to celebrate their love and wedding anniversary. GB Magazine was grateful to be a part of the celebration and toast to Bill and Clarice loving and committed relationship. Live music, drinks, sunset and photos from their many trips and adventures on large screens thrilled the guests.

Bill y Clarice Perkins celebraron sus 60 años de casados con una cena en Coronado, rodeados de amigos y familia. La revista GB está agradecida de haber sido parte de este festejo y homenaje a un amor eterno, sumándose a brindar por este gran compromiso de vida. Música en vivo, bebidas y memorables fotos de sus muchos viajes y aventuras en la pantalla gigante hicieron las delicias a los invitados.

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Esteban Villanueva