An Evening of Changing Lives

Boys and girls club of san diego

Thanks to many generous donors the Boys and Girls Club of Greater San Diego annual fundraising gala, An Evening of Changing Lives, was an amazing success. Due to their generosity, $1.1 million was raised, which will directly change the lives and positively influence the futures of Club members through funding STEM programs, scholarships for families in need, and more.

Gracias a muchos generosos donantes de la gala An Evening of Changing Lives del Boys and Girls Club del Greater San Diego, la velada fue un rotundo éxito. Se lograron recaudar $ 1.1 millones que se destinaron a cambiar vidas e influir de manera positiva en los futuros de miembros del Club, solventando programas STEM, becas para familias necesitadas y otras ayudas.

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Esteban Villanueva