Above & Beyond

Loni Dial Lauren Lek Angie Lasagna and Richard Farler

Academy of Our Lady of Peace is dedicated to empowering women in an innovative learning environment and developing faith-filled leaders of tomorrow. As the oldest high school in San Diego, and the only all-girls school, OLP celebrated their 137th anniversary of educating young women with their sold out 35th Annual Gala & Auction Above & Beyond: A Boundless Experience which raised support for them to continue educating our future generations.

Photographed by: Rosario Heer

Academy Our Lady of Peace se dedica a empoderar a las mujeres dentro de un ambiente nuevo e innovador, desarrollando las líderes del mañana que poseen fe y convicciones. Siendo la escuela más antigua de San Diego y la única solamente de niñas, OLP celebra su 137 aniversario educando a jóvenes mujeres con la edición de su 35° Annual Gala & Auction Above & Beyond: A Boundless Experience. El evento ya cuenta con todas sus entradas vendidas y busca recaudar fondos para continuar educando a las futuras generaciones.


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Esteban Villanueva