10 Things About Patricia Will & Alzheimer’s Association San Diego/Imperial County


“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.”

– Michelangelo

Alzheimer’s Association San Diego/Imperial County leads the way to end Alzheimer’s and all other dementia – by accelerating global research, driving risk reduction and early detection, and maximizing quality care and support. The Alzheimer’s Association is empowering and mobilizing our community to give all people access to early diagnosis, treatment and quality care throughout their journey. Right now, more than 60,000 people in San Diego and Imperial counties are living with Alzheimer’s disease, and more than 160,000 family and friends are providing care. Patricia Will is the recipient of Alzheimer’s Association San Diego / Imperial Chapter’s 2024 Visionary Award.

#1 I grew up in New York City.


#2 Punta Mita, Mexico and Paris, France are my two favorite travel destinations. I would also like to visit The Seychelles.


#3 I like to decompress by doing the New York Times Spelling Bee (the word game), reading novels, and taking long walks with my dogs.


#4 I speak three languages fluently: English, Spanish and French.


#5 Of recent movies, “Holdovers” is easily my favorite.

#6 I have two dogs – Adonis and Apollo.


#7 My Mom (now deceased) was an entrepreneur and professional way before her time; she showed me that I could be anything I wanted to be.


#8 We are put on this earth to do more than take care of ourselves. Kindness and charitable acts are the best possible way to express gratitude for what we have.


#9 My earliest contact with the Alzheimer’s Association was its “helpline” when my mother-in-law, Josephine, developed the symptoms of early onset dementia. From that moment on, I realized how important the work of the Alzheimer’s Association was, and is! Once I founded Belmont Village, the relationship grew in countless ways. I am an ardent supporter of the Association’s current research, patient support, and caregiver support, as well as its long-term mission: to enable a world without Alzheimer’s.


#10 Through their many initiatives and worldwide reach, the Alzheimer’s Association leads the charge in Alzheimer’s care, support, research and advocacy. The free 24/7 Helpline provides reliable information and support to all those who need assistance. We are not doing this alone. With our partners, volunteers and supporters, we are building a broad, grassroots movement. Do not just hope for a cure. Help us find one. We invite you to join us.

