Lisa Paul-Hill Leads MLK March at 47th Annual Event Celebrating Community Impact


President and CEO of Wheelhouse Credit Union Lisa Paul-Hill was the Grand Marshall at the 47th Annual Harley E. Knox Middle School’s Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. March. The honor served to thank Lisa and Wheelhouse Credit Union for making a positive impact in the community. The event featured performances and awards, including a reading of Dr. King’s “I Have a Dream Speech.”

Lisa Paul-Hill es la CEO y presidente de Wheelhouse Credit Union y fue la Grand Marshal durante la 47° marcha anual Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. de la Escuela Media Harley E. Knox y la comunidad está muy agradecida, tanto a ella como a Wheelhouse Credit Union por su presencia. Durante el evento hubo entrega de premios y presentaciones entre las cuales estuvo la lectura de “I Have a Dream Speech” del Dr. King.

