10 Things About Cheryl K. Goodman & San Diego Police Foundation


“Those that have a why to live can bear almost any how.”
– Viktor E. Frankl, Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor,
Author of “Man’s Search for Meaning”



The goal of the San Diego Police Foundation is simple, yet essential: to create a safer San Diego. That means safety for all who live, work, and play in San Diego. Funded by community contributions since its founding in 1998, the Police Foundation funds crucial equipment, specialized training, and outreach programs vital to creating safer communities. Cheryl K. Goodman serves as a Women in Blue Executive Cabinet Member.

#1 I was born in Los Angeles, raised in Memphis, Tennessee and spent my teenage years and most of my adult life in San Diego.

#2 I have an identical twin, Cindy Goodman.

#3 My husband, Mark Ruyle and I enjoy Hanalei Bay in Kauai, Hawaii.

#4 I would like to visit Thailand. I enjoy a mostly plant-based diet, and nothing beats Thai food.

#5 “How to Win Friends and Influence Robots: An AI Guide for Non-Tech Brilliant Minds” is my first authored book (www.mybook.to/CherylKGoodman) inspired by Dale Carnegie with his premise being we can influence other people’s behavior simply by improving our own.

#6 We have a dog, named Savannah Goodman.

#7 My giving back is a simple reflection of what I have received as a San Diegan. We can innovate, learn, and lead because we have a police force that is truly America’s Finest.

#8 At my core, I have a heart for those who do the absolute hardest jobs. My brother John E. Goodman is a retired Sheriff. My twin sister is a clinician and a minister. Both hold difficult and thankless jobs and yet without these professions, communities fall apart. The same could be said for our military. Both my sons also serve in the military – Richard A. Schwarzman, US Marines, and Aaron E. Schwarzman, US Navy.

#9 When Sara Napoli, President & CEO of the San Diego Police Foundation, reached out to me to join the Women in Blue Executive Cabinet, I was honored as it also aligns with the work I had done previously with Athena San Diego as Executive Director to elevate inclusion, leadership, and the empowerment of women. Nothing has been more satisfying professionally than to see the outcome of the San Diego Police Foundation.

#10 Proceeds from the Women in Blue Luncheon propel the mission of the San Diego Police Foundation, which includes support for SDPD’s peer mentoring program, the Women’s Leadership Conference, efforts to recruit more females to the ranks of SDPD, as well as scholarships to empower rising female officers and inspire the next generation of women in blue.

San Diego Police Foundation
Women in Blue Luncheon
February 27, 2024
11:30 am
Hilton San Diego Bayfront

