Boogies 4 Babies

Rocio Flynn Stephanie Curry and Lisa Arnold

Miracle Babies hosted Boogies 4 Babies at Belly Up featuring Charlie’s Angels the Band all to benefit NICU Families. The evening helped raise critical funds needed to support their mission helping perinatal mothers and their families during their time of need by providing transportation, mental health assistance, and supportive services. The costumes were amazing and everyone in attendance was having a groovy good time!


Miracles Babies llevó adelante Boogie 4 Babies en Belly Up, con la presencia de la banda Charlie’s Angels, todo a beneficio de las familias en NICU. La velada ayudó a recaudar fondos esenciales para el funcionamiento de los programas que asisten a madres perinatales y a sus familias en momentos de necesidad, brindando transporte, asistencia psicológica y servicios de apoyo. ¡Una noche con inolvidables atuendos donde todos pasaron un rato increíble!

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Esteban Villanueva