10 Things About Arlene J. Esgate & the San Diego Automotive Museum


“I love you not only for what you are but for what I am when I am with you.”


The Mission of the San Diego Automotive Museum is to tell the story of the social and technological past, present and future of motorized vehicles throughout its collections, exhibitions and educational programs. Arlene J. Esgate will co-chair the San Diego Automotive Museum’s “The Party In The Park… Full Throttle Gala” on September 30, 2023.


#1 I grew up in Ottawa, Illinois.


#2 My favorite travel destination is anywhere in Italy. My entire family is Italian, and I loved listening to their stories about the ‘Old Country.’ Traveling to Italy and seeing where all four grandparents grew up filled my heart with joy.


#3 I would love to tour New Zealand, explore Israel, climb Peru and love in Bali.


#4 Something on my Bucket List is to sky dive.


#5 My favorite movie would have to be “South Pacific” with Mitzy Gaynor.


#6 I ran a county office in Glenn’s Ferry, Idaho where I served as a County Court Registrar, a County Court Recorder, a County Assessor and a Deputy Sheriff.


#7 The most influential person in my life was a young and beautiful nun in my high school. Sister Rosemary instilled three mantras of behavior that have sculpted my life. #1 Never do or say something hurtful to another person. Never NEED to say you are sorry for having said or done an unkind action. #2 Always be accountable for your behavior…. own your mistakes and failures along with your successes and triumphs. #3 Repeating a rumor is like opening a feather pillow atop the steeple of Notre Dame and shaking the feathers into the wind then trying to gather up each feather. It is impossible to take back a rumor or lie.


#8 I believe it is very important to give back to the community because it gives me a sense of belonging, a sense of fellowship and an opportunity to enhance, encourage and hopefully enrich the lives of others.


#9 I became involved with the San Diego Automotive Museum because Reena Horowitz introduced me to a fun and much needed program for the education and vocation of At-Risk Youths. The San Diego Automotive Museum offers an introduction to and participation in hands on experiences that encourage young people to learn auto repair and auto maintenance skills.


#10 A key part of the San Diego Automotive Museum’s Vocational Education Program is matching participants with mentors. As participants identify a particular interest for a job within the industry, they are partnered with a mentor who has expertise in their area of interest. Mentors play a pivotal role in giving youth guidance and networking skills necessary for job readiness.


San Diego Automotive Museum
The Party In The Park… Full Throttle Gala
September 30, 2023
5 – 10 pm
2080 Pan American Plaza

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Esteban Villanueva