San Diego Regional Center: Empowering Lives

san diego regional center logo

The San Diego Regional Center (SDRC) is a service of San Diego-Imperial Counties Developmental Services, Inc.
SDRC is a focal point in the community for persons with developmental disabilities (intellectual disabilities, cerebral palsy, epilepsy, autism, or other disabling conditions similar to intellectual disabilities) living in San Diego and Imperial counties.

We are a private, non-profit 501 c (3) organization that contracts with California to provide the services outlined in the Lanterman Developmental Disabilities Services Act. The San Diego Regional Center is one of 21 regional centers throughout California.

San Diego Regional Center Goals

Enhance the quality of individuals’ daily living by improving their experiences in meaningful day service activities.

Increase the number of clients engaged in competitive and integrated employment.

Increase the number of affordable housing opportunities.

Reduce disparity in purchase of service spending among ethnic groups.

Improve collaboration between and among the San Diego Regional Center with vendors, Department of Developmental Services, elected state officials, and other community partners.

We Value

The uniqueness of human life is valued.

San Diego Regional Center respects client and family choices.

Services reflect, and are sensitive to, the cultural and ethnic diversity of the community.

We value outreach and collaboration with the community to identify the individual’s needs and develop new ideas and services.

High quality services engender a sense of confidence and support within the community.

Individuals, communities, and government entities actively stay informed about issues and services affecting persons with developmental disabilities.
