10 Things About Megan Costello & ECS


“You manage things; you lead people.”
– Rear Admiral Grace Hopper

The mission of ECS is to break barriers and transform communities through programs rooted in their tradition of action and faith in God. ECS, a nonprofit organization, provides over $34 million in health and human services to more than 7,000 clients in the San Diego region. ECS focuses on the community’s most urgent needs – homelessness, addiction, and children’s education and mental health services. Megan Costello currently serves as the Board Secretary for ECS.

#1 I grew up in the Upper Midwest – Appleton, Wisconsin is my “hometown” but I also spent some of my growing up years in Minnesota and Illinois.


#2 I have visited over 40 countries and have lived in Japan, Spain, Canada and the UK. I visited Namibia last summer and was really awed by the landscape and natural beauty of the country.


#3 I hope to explore Patagonia and/or Scandinavia with my husband, to celebrate our 20th wedding anniversary this year.


#4 I love sports, but I think people assume that means I am good at playing them. I am not – I am not coordinated at all and a total klutz.


#5 I have lost some dear friends entirely too early in life. In their honor, I try to think more about how I can make every day meaningful, rather than creating a list of things to do “someday.”

#6 The phrase from Luke “to whom much is given, much is required” has always resonated with me. It is important for me to give back because it reminds me to hold what I have a little bit more lightly and be mindful of and grateful for all that I have been given.


#7 I was introduced to ECS by a co-worker. I love that ECS’ mission is about helping people in our community across all stages of life to have access to the support they need to break barriers and thrive.


#8 ECS Head Start provides comprehensive wraparound services like family and community engagement programs, parenting education opportunities, child developmental screenings, services for children with disabilities, services for pregnant women, behavioral health services, referrals, and other development needs to ensure the best possible outcomes for families.


#9 ECS is dedicated to addressing the root causes of substance use disorders, homelessness and poverty through a holistic approach that includes emergency assistance, transitional housing and behavioral healthcare services while also advocating for policies that promote social justice and support vulnerable populations.


#10 The Moonlight Ball will raise critical funds to support ECS programs that provide vital services to individuals and families.

The Moonlight Ball
Saturday , May 13, 2023
5:30pm for Moonlight Ball registration & 6:30pm for Sunset Social registration
Humphreys Half Moon Inn
2303 Shelter Island Drive, San Diego 92106
