Tea by the Sea: Supporting St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center Art Program


Tea by the Sea presented by Colette Gerard was held at the Marine Room and was attended by longtime supporters of St. Madeleine Sophie’s Center. Guests enjoyed signature cocktails, hors d’oeuvres, tea by the sea, a silent auction and live music. Proceeds benefit the Sophie’s Gallery art program at St. Madeleine Sophie Center. SMSC educates and empowers individuals with I/DD to realize their full potential. The unusually high tides make for an exciting show as the waves crashed against the window as guests were arriving!


Tea by the Sea, presentado por Colette Gerard, se realizó en el Marine Room con la presencia de colaboradores de larga data del St. Madeleine Sophie ‘s Center. Los presentes disfrutaron de cócteles de autor, hors d’oeuvres, tes frente al mar, subasta silenciosa y música en vivo. Lo recaudado por el evento se destina al programa de arte Sophie´s Gallery del St, Madeleine Sophie Center. El SMSC educa y empodera a las personas con I/DD a tomar conocimiento de su potencial completo. Las inusuales altas mareas hicieron de la tarde algo espectacular con las olas golpeando contra las ventanas mientras los invitados iban llegando.

Moments from Tea by the Sea
