Community Heroes

Chris wiley judith shaplin fire chief bob pfohl and andrew hayes

San Ysidro Health and the Alpine Chamber of Commerce hosted a Community Heroes Reception at the San Ysidro Health Alpine Family Medicine. The community stakeholder event celebrated several community leaders from rural East County. San Ysidro Health is committed to ensuring all communities have access to the care they deserve, without exception and this facility in East County serves residents of our mountain and rural communities.

San Ysidro Health junto a la Alpine Chamber of Commerce llevaron adelante la recepción Community Heroes en el San Ysidro Health Alpine Family Medicine. Este evento comunitario rinde homenaje a líderes de la comunidad de la zona rural de East County. San Ysidro Health se dedica a asegurar que las comunidades tengan acceso a la atención que merecen, sin excepciones, y en el caso de East County, atienden a personas de nuestras zonas montañosas y rurales.

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Esteban Villanueva