Salvation Army San Diego

Danitza villanueva roxi link and clarice perkins

The Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary celebrated International Women’s Day with a Women of Dedication Patron Recognition. Past Women of Dedication who have become patron donors to the Women of Dedication 2022 event attended and welcomed the new class of 2022 honorees. The longest tenured Woman of Dedication, Fern Murphy who was honored in 1983, and was given special recognition at the event.

Salvation Army Women’s Auxiliary celebró el Día Internacional de la Mujer reconociendo a grandes mujeres en su Women of Dedication Patron Recognition. Mujeres que supieron ser comprometidas mecenas y donantes, estuvieron presentes para dar la bienvenida a las nuevas homenajeadas del 2022. Fern Murphy cuenta con el título más longevo como Women of Dedication, homenajeada en 1983, recibió un reconocimiento especial a la trayectoria durante este evento.

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Esteban Villanueva