Hope Lives Here


Father Joe’s Villages has raised more than $16 million in support of its Hope Lives Here Campaign. Funds were contributed by dozens of committed donors and local philanthropists demonstrating their commitment to providing comprehensive services that address the needs of San Diegans experiencing homelessness, from life-saving shelter and food programs to permanent affordable housing options for those most in need.

Photographed by: Rosario Heer

Father Joe´s Villages ha logrado recaudar más de $16 millones durante su Campania Hope Lives Here. Estos fondos provinieron de docenas de comprometidos donantes y filántropos locales, demostrando su compromiso con la necesidad de brindar servicios integrales a las personas de San Diego más necesitadas. Esta ayuda se da en forma de refugios, programas de alimentación y de posibilidades para llegar a tener viviendas permanentes a costos accesibles.

