BLCI Graduation

Sara boquin teresa contreras and katherine doering

Barrio Logan College Institute seniors celebrated their graduation with BLCI staff, mentors, family members and community supporters. BLCI alumni shared words of encouragement, students received scholarship awards, and to close the ceremony, students gave flowers to their parents to honor the hardships that many parents have overcome for their child to graduate.

Los recientemente graduados del Barrio Logan Institute celebraron este importante hito junto a el equipo de BLCI, mentores, familia y colaboradores de la comunidad. Los ex alumnos del BLCI les brindaron palabras de aliento a los flamantes graduados y becas de premio, culminando con los estudiantes entregando ramos de flores a sus padres en honor a los esfuerzos que muchos realizan para que sus hijos puedan graduarse.

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Esteban Villanueva