Amy Russert


Finding Sweet Success as a Professional Baker

For some, baking can feel like a roll of the dice. There is a chance your confection could end up too dry, too sweet, or just plain inedible. But for others, like Amy Russert, baking is far more than the sum of its parts. It is a sensory experience in which ingredients collide together to form a symphony of flavor. The process of measuring, kneading, and stirring; the air saturated with scents of butter and sugar; pulling a pan out of the oven to find the mixture transformed into something delicious and beautiful. This is how Amy views baking. It is more than a simple means to an end, but a way of life.

From sugar cookies to cakesicles, and everything in between, Amy is a self-taught culinary connoisseur who specializes in – you guessed it – desserts. After launching Amy’s Cakery in 2014, Amy has been creating tasty concoctions for birthdays, wedding anniversaries and various other celebratory events.

When asked what inspired her to turn her passion into a full-time profession, she shared with GB Magazine “I have always baked themed birthday cakes for my three kids based on their interests over the years. As my skills continued to improve, impressed parents began asking me to bake custom cakes for their kids’ birthdays. Before I knew it, I was baking for friends of friends, which eventually led to where I am today – baking every day and booking at least eight weeks out. It was a fun hobby that eventually turned into a career. It was a skill that I really did not know I had, but through practice and passion, it is a fulfilling career that I now enjoy.”

One of Amy’s favorite aspects of running her own business is using flavor, texture and color to create edible art pieces – ones that help people celebrate the great milestones of life. She notes “I especially love to see clients’ reactions when they see their order for the first time. Most often they say ‘It is too pretty to eat,’ but I say ‘Take the picture and dig in…it is too delicious NOT to eat!’ I love that I am a California Cottage Food Operator, meaning that I can operate from my home. This allows me to work more flexible hours and continue to raise my boys. I am also a military spouse and it has been great having a business that can move with me.”

In addition to experimenting with new recipes and baking tasty treats, Amy is an ardent supporter of local non-profits, such as the San Diego Food Bank and the San Diego Cake Club. “I feel like supporting non-profit groups offers a great way to get to know others in the community. I love meeting new people who have similar passions and who also make time to help the community. It has been great having a successful business that also allows me to have the time to give back,” she added.

No matter how big or small your sweet tooth, Amy’s Cakery will surely satisfy all your taste bud needs.
