10 Things About Alex Peterson &
Freedom Dogs


“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” – Martin Luther King Jr.

Since 2009, Freedom Dogs has helped Wounded Warriors recover from the unimaginable injuries and stress that comes from service to our country. Freedom Dogs are trained to do everything from picking up objects, to alerting their Marines of someone approaching from behind, to turning on lights and licking the faces of their Marines to wake them up from night tremors. The money raised at the Freedom Dogs Golf Tournament makes it possible to keep the specialty service dogs and programs, free for recipients like Alex Peterson, Gunnery Sergeant USMC.

10 Things About Alex Peterson & Freedom Dogs

#1 I grew up in Santa Cruz, California the original Surf City. I moved to Palm Coast, Florida when I was 16 and joined the Marines at age 18, at the beginning of the Iraq/Afghanistan war. I was deployed to Iraq 15 months later.


#2 My heart is truly in Santa Cruz where I have family and can enjoy my love of surfing.


#3 My awesome Service Dog, Koda, provided to me by Freedom Dogs is almost 6 years old and we have been together for 3 years.


#4 I am a morning person, thanks to Koda who wakes me at sunrise.


#5 Recently, yoga has become a passion of mine. I find that the controlled breathing of yoga enables me to remain in the moment and relax.


#6 I am working on my Bachelor of Fine Arts with a focus on Illustrating. I recently illustrated my first children’s book – “My Service Person” which is the story of Freedom Dog Tobin and his Marine, that can be found on Amazon.


#7 I would like to use my art to tell my story of PTSD and to bring awareness to the troubles we all face as a result of this trauma and broadcast that there is help available.


#8 I am passionate about the environment and ending pollution. I would like to create a law that would give incentive for corporations to work hard at reducing their waste and emissions and at the same time provide penalties for those who do not.


#9 Freedom Dogs is truly an amazing organization and provides support to the Wounded Warriors at Camp Pendleton who are recovering from PTSD and Traumatic Brain Injuries. From continuing our education, to developing new careers, Freedom Dogs has helped us develop a post traumatic purpose for our lives.


#10 The number of veterans and active-duty service members who have killed themselves is more than the total American military deaths in Afghanistan and Iraq. Freedom Dogs has not lost any of the wounded warriors in their program thanks to our sponsors and donors who turn hope into reality.

Freedom Dogs
8th Annual Golf Tournament
Monday, March 1, 2021
Fairbanks Ranch Country Club
15150 San Dieguito Road; Rancho Santa Fe
