10 Habits to Adopt to Make this Year Your Best Year Yet

Be grateful

For some, the dawn of a new year is a time to reflect on the past. For others, it is a time to start fresh and plan for the future. Since we are all creatures of habit, here are the top 10 habits to work into your daily routine so you can start off 2021 on the right foot.

1. Set daily priorities

One of the best productivity strategies out there involves cutting down your to-do list. If you cannot limit yourself to a handful of tasks per day, you will inevitably lose focus, get discouraged, and lose sight of your purpose.

2. Get 7-8 hours of sleep per night

Sleep is critical for both your physical health and mental well-being. Not only does it improve your immune function, but people who get a full night’s rest are typically more alert and happier overall.

3. Spend time outside

If you are trying to juggle work and a social life, it can be easy to forget to take a moment for yourself every once in a while. To combat this, resolve to increase your vitamin D intake and spend more time in the great outdoors on your off days.

4. De-clutter your space

Whether it is your bedroom or your office, a tidy space promotes calm and relaxation. Pick the area you spend the most time in, figure out what you can get rid of, and tackle that first.

5. Learn a new skill

New goals often require new skills. Identify what it is you want to learn and start looking for the resources that can help you acquire them.

6. Be present

While this may sound simple, being present requires a major shift in thinking. Instead of feeling overwhelmed by life’s daily pressures and responsibilities, enjoy the moment and attend to what is happening right now.

7. Give gratitude

A trap that many people fall into is what author Jim Collins has referred to as the ‘undisciplined pursuit of more.’ In other words, we are constantly working to achieve the next level of success instead of stopping to be grateful and count our blessings.

8. Hold yourself accountable

Lack of accountability is one of the single greatest reasons for failure. When you hold yourself accountable for what you say or do, you are far more likely to stay on track and reach your goals.

9. Do not wait for the ‘right time’

If you are waiting for the timing to be ‘just right’ to pursue your passion, make a career move, or move abroad, it does not exist. The ‘right time’ will never magically present itself, which is why you need to take action today.

10. Do not be afraid to fail

While resilience is a key ingredient of success, the fear of failure is deeply ingrained in many of us. However, if you can figure out a way to bounce back after failing, you will open yourself up to many more incredible opportunities in life.

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Esteban Villanueva