10 Things About Judi Gottschalk &
San Diego Jewish Federation


“I am only one, but I still am one. I cannot do everything but still can do something, I will not refuse to do something I can do.” – Helen Keller

The Jewish Federation touches more Jewish lives than any other organization on the planet. Being part of Federation means being part of a global network – part of a PEOPLE – that makes it possible to provide lifesaving humanitarian relief and sustain Jewish community for generations to come in San Diego and around the world. Judi Gottschalk is Chairwoman of the Women’s Philanthropy Board of San Diego Jewish Federation. Judi’s parents survived Auschwitz and the Holocaust but lost their entire families. Judi is committed to seeing that something like this never happens again.

10 Things About Judi Gottschalk & San Diego Jewish Federation


#1 I was born in San Diego and grew up in La Mesa. I attended La Mesa Dale, La Mesa Junior High and Helix High School.


#2 I lived in Phoenix for over 40 years and am so glad to be back in San Diego.


#3 The morning is when I get things done and have the most energy!!


#4 I would love to be fluent in Spanish.


#5 As a lifelong educator, I want to ensure that every child has a right to the best education. That we would, as a country, invest in education, make it a priority and continue to close the achievement gap.



#6 I was a school principal and every morning on the announcements I would end with, “Follow the Golden Rule”.


#7 I have portraits of my grandparents painted in 1935, nine years before they were killed in Auschwitz.


#8 When I have a spare moment, I call a good friend I have not talked to in a long time. That always gives me energy.


#9 Back in March, and in response to the rapidly evolving COVID-19 crisis, Federation started an internal task force to connect with seniors over the age of 80, including local Survivors. Within days, and after connecting with Seacrest at Home, Gmach Jewish Gift Closet, and JFS to ensure a triage response system was established, Federation developed and launched a sophisticated phone bank enabling us to escalate emergencies, connect with seniors, and let our community know we are here. To date, more than 2,600 seniors have been called.


# 10 Rain Pryor will be the featured speaker for Options 2021. Rain is an award-winning actress, singer, comedian, author, and daughter of a Jewish mother and the late legendary comedian Richard Pryor. Rain’s award-winning solo show Fried Chicken and Latkes explores racism in the late 1960s and early 1970s. In regard to her background, Rain has joked that while growing up she felt “proud, but guilty about it.”


OPTIONS The Women’s Event – “Seasons of Strength”
February 28, 2021
11 am

Learn More and REGISTER Here : www.jewishinsandiego.org/options


There is an $18 minimum donation to attend OPTIONS “Seasons of Strength”.

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Esteban Villanueva