Mustang Santa

Mrs and mr claus with richard rovsek

The Spirit of Liberty Foundation partnered with the San Diego Air and Space Museum for the Foundation’s 19th Annual Operation Christmas Miracle, The Believe in Santa Tour. Santa, wearing his camouflage and white fur suit, and the Grinch will make their visits in red Mustang convertibles stopping at the Veterans Home in Chula Vista, the VA Hospital, Veterans Village, Balboa Naval Medical Center and the North Island Naval Base delivering gifts for children.

La Fundación Spirit of Liberty se unió al Museo del Aire y del Espacio de San Diego para llevar a cabo su 19° edición de Annual Operation Christmas Miracle, The Believe in Santa Tour. Santa, vestido con su uniforme de fiestas, junto con el Grinch van a realizar sus visitas en Mustangs convertibles rojos, haciendo paradas y entregando regalos a los niños en el Hogar de Veteranos de Chula Vista, el Hospital VA, Veterans Village, Balboa Naval Medical Center y en la Base Naval North Island.

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Esteban Villanueva