Chula Vista Police Foundation

Dave and wendy rowlands with lisa and richard carter

The Chula Vista Police Foundation held their inaugural golf tournament at the San Diego Country Club. Attendees included NFL alumni and community leaders who helped raise funds for the Chula Vista Police Department to enhance police service and programs for the community. Chief Roxana Kennedy was very proud of her entire department, and together they enjoyed a wonderful and relaxing afternoon of golf.

Chula Vista Police Foundation llevó a cabo su torneo inaugural de golf en el San Diego Country Club. Entre los presentes al evento se encontraban ex alumnos de NFL y líderes de la comunidad, todos reunidos en pos de recaudar fondos para el Departamento de Policía de Chula Vista y así mejorar el servicio policial y los programas comunitarios. La Jefa de Policía Roxana Kennedy está muy orgullosa de la labor realizada y por la relajada y entretenida tarde de golf compartida.

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Esteban Villanueva