10 Things About Lenny Leszczynski &
San Diego Automotive Museum


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“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has”. – Margaret Mead

San Diego Automotive Museum (SDAM) is more than a museum with cars in it. Executive Director, Lenny Leszczynski considers SDAM an alternative and nontraditional learning environment. The SDAM staff works hard to create exhibits that are not only filled with cool cars, but that tell a story of our past, present, and future.

10 Things About Lenny Leszczynski & San Diego Automotive Museum


#1 I am a San Diego native. My mom moved us to La Jolla when I was in the 4th grade, and I spent most weekends in Santee with my dad. I graduated from La Jolla High School and went to California State University Northridge.


#2 Patience is the one quality that I think everyone should have.


#3 I have been blessed to travel to some great places. However, it is not the destination that makes travel fun, but the people you make memories with that makes it great.


#4 At the top of my bucket list is to bring the vision of the new SDAM to reality for both San Diegans and tourists to enjoy.


#5 I have three beautiful and loving dogs. Hoa (means companion in Hawaiian) a Pitbull, MJ a Pug, and Tub-Tub an English Bulldog.


#6 I helped achieve a world record (unofficially). It did not count for the official record book but the individuals who participated all know that we broke the world record.


#7 When I am having a challenging day, I pause for a moment and look at pictures of my wife and kids. If it is a bad day, I call one of my daughters (ages 3, 6, 9, and 10) and ask them how they are doing. Listening to them makes my heart warm and helps put life back into perspective.


#8 Having had my youngest daughter stop breathing twice and my wife perform CPR to keep her alive, I have been amazed at how strong both my wife and daughter are. When you are faced with losing someone and fighting to keep them alive, you get a greater sense of the value of life and how fragile we are, but still extremely resilient.


#9 Metaphorically, the SDAM was like a caterpillar just cruising along the road of life. When the pandemic occurred, we were all forced into our own cocoons. Inside the cocoon, it is messy and ugly just as the change is. As we evolve to a post-pandemic world, we will emerge from our cocoon stronger and able to reach new heights that we never thought possible.


#10 Funds raised at our Car Rally will support the museum to ensure we can continue to thrive post pandemic.


San Diego Auto Museum
Car Rally
October 10, 2020
9 am check in with a 10 am start
Starts at San Diego Auto Museum


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Esteban Villanueva