Tania Swasbrook


Tania Swasbrook has followed her passion from a very young age and learned the importance of travel and learning from other cultures. Her mother would take her along to work to her travel agency and now Tania has made it her career helping others discover beautiful and unique places, as well as exploring destinations to make an impact. With a busy schedule balancing life, work and travel, Tania shares with us how she does it all:

6 a.m. Wake up

Tania starts her day by reading the news, answering emails and getting ready her daughter to go to school. Her breakfast consists on a green juice and coffee. Once dropping off her daughter to school, she would go to her office.

9 a.m. Work

Tania Swasbrook was exposed early on to being in her mother’s travel agency, who would take her there after school. Swasbrook fell in love with her mother’s work and eventually started following the same career. Now she works with her mother and travels the world. Some of the favorite places she has visited are of Bhutan, New Zeeland and Egypt.

12 p.m. Lunch/Work out

For lunch Swasbrook has a light lunch that consists of protein, a salad and grains. To stay healthy, her work outs consist of cardio including spinning, stretches through Pilates, and for strength by weight training, working with a trainer. Working out helps her deal with the stress brought on from work. It is also very important to stay mentally healthy and to keep the mind active, so she likes to watch TED Talks.

5 p.m. Dinner/Evening activities

In the evening after work, Tania spends time with her daughter helping her with homework or sharing quality time. When going out, some of her favorite places to eat in San Diego are the Fish Market, Herb & Wood and True Foods. It is not easy being a hard-working mother, Swasbrook manages by asking for help. Swasbrook’s family steps in when she has to travel by taking care of her daughter. Tania has to make sacrifices to balance work and family, but her daughter is her motivation and gives her strength.




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Esteban Villanueva