10 Things About Dr. Lauren Lek & Academy of Our Lady of Peace

Introa 2

Kindness never fails… be kind, be kind, be kind.

The Academy of Our Lady of Peace (OLP) has been educating the next generation of women leaders and innovators for more than 137 years. Headed by Dr. Lauren Lek, OLP is the oldest and only all-girls high school in San Diego. The Annual Women’s Symposium brings together top women leaders to share their insights and pathways to success with OLP students and the community. The funds raised support the OLP Alumnae Scholarship Fund for students who embody the charism of the Sisters of St. Joseph of Carondelet, show academic potential and demonstrate financial need.

10 Things About Dr. Lauren Lek & The Academy of Our Lady of Peace

#1. I grew up in Northern California in Hayward but went to school and church in Castro Valley. That community shaped me into the leader I am today!

#2. I agree with Brene Brown and the importance of empathy as the necessary skill and quality that helps move organizations and humanity forward.

#3. I enjoy traveling both domestically and worldwide, but it’s the annual tradition of camping at Don Pedro Lake with our family and friends, that I look forward to every year.

#4. I am working to bring a large installation of liturgical art including Michelangelo’s Pieta, to OLP’s campus.

#5. “65% of today’s grade-school kids may end up doing work that hasn’t been invented yet.” – Cathy Davidson, Duke Professor

#6. When I was a student at UCSD, I was Miss San Diego and competed in the Miss California pageant.

#7. The 750 young women at OLP inspire me daily, with their fortitude and investment in making a positive difference in our world.

#8. A significant percentage of OLP students cross the border every day to come to school. The cross-border epicenter of commerce and biotechnology that exists here, makes San Diego an amazing city and multicultural environment.

#9. A few years back, rain was forecasted for our outdoor gala. We were scrambling for ideas, none of which were cost-effective or attainable. As I headed out of my office, it hit me, “why not utilize the school parking structure?” The event was more glamorous than we could have imagined and the novelty of transforming the parking structure into an elegant event space helped make it a tremendous success.

#10. We recently donated 600 used student desks that were in good condition, to schools in Loreto and Tijuana, Mexico. As children across Mexico returned to school, they found a desk where there had been previously only been a floor.

EventaThe Academy of Our Lady of Peace
The 6th Annual OLP Women’s Symposium
Friday, March 13, 2020
9 am
Academy of Our Lady of Peace
4860 Oregon Street, San Diego

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Esteban Villanueva