10 Ways the HOPE Fund Helped Isabel Rosales Take Back Control of Her Life


Giving the Gift of HOPE to Someone Who Has Lost All HOPE

Since October 1989, National Domestic Violence Awareness Month has encouraged people to work together to end domestic violence. Domestic violence affects every community and all people regardless of age, gender, nationality, race, religion, sexual orientation or socio-economic status. Domestic violence is not just physical violence – it is often combined with emotionally abusive behavior to control and dominate victims. Nearly half of LGBTQ+ people, one in three women and one in four men, will experience domestic violence. Domestic violence is not a private problem; it requires community support. Together, we can collectively work towards ending domestic violence and creating safe, healthy communities for everyone.
Operation For HOPE Foundation is dedicated to providing resources that enable domestic violence survivors to rebuild their lives and establish violence free homes. The core of Operation For HOPE Foundation’s mission is to stand beside and uplift those affected by domestic violence. Through prompt financial support, Operation For HOPE Foundation guides survivors like Isabel Rosales from the depths of despair to the light of a new beginning. For Isabel and her three teenagers, the HOPE Fund is a path to reclaiming their lives. Balancing a full-time job with her entrepreneurial spirit, Isabel’s homemade tamales and balloon crafting not only provide an additional source of income but also serve as a testament to her tenacity and the love she pours into everything she does, especially for her teenage children. This October, Operation For HOPE Foundation emphasizes domestic violence awareness, and invites you to explore outreach events in San Diego.


1. Legal Empowerment: The HOPE Fund covered my court fees, allowing me to file for divorce and cut ties with my abusive past.


2. Rediscovery: The HOPE Fund was freedom. I got a piece of myself back.


3. Reinforced Belief: Knowing someone believed in me was everything.


4. Solidarity: I felt valued, knowing someone stood by me.


5. Bright Horizons: The HOPE Fund painted a brighter future for me, helping me reclaim my life.



6. Boosted Bravery: The HOPE Fund gave me the strength to move ahead.


7. Safety Assured: No more chains. He is no longer part of my life.


8. Lifting the Weight: During the criminal case, a burden was lifted when I was granted a divorce and got my name back.


9. Backed by Advocates: Facing a grave past, the HOPE Fund gave me the tools to move beyond it.


10. Victory Defined: Reclaiming my life post-divorce was my win, all thanks to the HOPE Fund.



Operation For HOPE Foundation

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Esteban Villanueva