10 Things About Suzanne Husby & Make-A-Wish


“If you drop your keys into a river of molten lava, let ‘em go man. They’re gone.”
-Jack Handey


The idea that Make-A-Wish grants “last” wishes is actually a misconception. The majority of Make-A-Wish kids go on to live long after their wish is granted, and many consider their wish experience to be a positive turning point in their medical journey. A pediatric oncologist once shared that as she sees it: her team treats the human body, Make-A-Wish treats the human spirit, and the two should go hand in hand. Join Suzanne Husby, President & CEO of Make-A-Wish, on October 14th at their “Wine & Wishes” Gala. Enjoy culinary delights and a selection of fine wines from California winemakers while having the chance to bid on exciting auction items – all to benefit life-changing wishes in our community.

#1 I grew up Albuquerque, New Mexico.


#2 I was a serious ballet dancer from childhood through my early teens and dreamed of one day dancing professionally with a ballet company.


#3 I love anywhere in the mountains! My favorite cities are Mammoth Lakes, California and Durango, Colorado. And, Patagonia is at the top of my list of places to visit.


#4 It is on my bucket list to summit Mt. Whitney, the highest peak in the continental U.S.


#5 I love the James Bond series with Daniel Craig.

#6 I have two Baja rescue pups- Stella and Moose.


#7 I believe the reason we are all here is to serve others and spread kindness. Giving back to the community makes the world a little brighter so I see it as doing my part.


#8 One of the first things that connected my husband Jon and me was our shared passion for volunteering and I love that it is something we continue to do together. He also chose to spend his career serving the community as a member of the San Diego Fire-Rescue Department, so he is a hero in many ways.


#9 I was initially drawn to Make-A-Wish because I love working with children. The reason I have stayed for so long (20 years and counting!) is that I get to be part of this incredible, life-changing mission every day, alongside the very best people and it just feels like what I am meant to be doing. I get to see our community at their best – coming together to create joy for a child dealing with illness. It brings out the good in all of us.


#10 At Make-A-Wish, together, we create life-changing wishes for children with critical illnesses. All funds raised at our Gala will go directly toward supporting wish granting in San Diego and Imperial Counties.

Wine & Wishes Gala “Spark”
Saturday, October 14, 2023
6 – 11 PM
Fairmont Grand Del Mar
5300 Grand Del Mar Ct, San Diego

